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SCOR Services


Search Engine Optimization. Make your business easier to find.

If you search Google to find a handyman to fix your sink, how many of the results do you check? Maybe 2 pages? Assuming that you’re being cautious with the research. The closer you can get your business to the first page, the more traffic your website will get. SCOR Media can get you there.


Pay-per-click advertising. Only pay for the ads that work.

Advertising costs can stack up on you real quick. You want to get the most bang for your buck and provide more website visits in your budget. Pay-per-click advertising provides that bang. You only pay when people go to your website. Don’t waste money on an ad campaign that isn’t driving traffic to your business.


Search Engine Marketing. Skip the line.

SEO is how you get to the first page of search results “organically”. SEM is how you get to the first page “quickly”. A paid marketing campaign will put you at the top of page one for anybody looking for the service your business provides. We strategically generate your marketing campaign to turn those views into clicks, and those clicks into sales.

Product Marketing

The process of selling and promoting products to customers.

Having the best product in the world doesn’t matter if no one knows where to find it and why they should buy it. Knowing how to market your product is the key to financial growth and success. With SCOR, your product gets in front of potential customers’ eyes. YOU turn attention into sales.

Idea Development

Turn an idea into a profitable business.

Having a product or a thought is one thing. Selling that product and creating a profitable business is another. SCOR Marketing and Development anonymously guides you through the process. We operate as an invisible extension of YOU to make your business competitive.


Your brand is what makes you distinct from other businesses.

What makes you special? What can you offer customers that no one else can? Maybe it’s expertise or experience. Maybe you offer a unique style or maybe you have absolutely no idea. With SCOR, you discover exactly what it is that sets you apart and use it to make YOU immediately recognizable to customers.

Graphic Design

Combining images with text for your website and ads.

A picture tells a thousand words. It’s an old cliche, but it’s an accurate one. Effectively using pictures and images communicates to viewers a lot more than you can explain with words alone. With SCOR your business can select or create the best images for YOUR site and ads to reach your customers.

Website Design

Building your website in the most efficient way.

Nowadays, building a website is easy. There are half of a dozen different sites that will generate a web page for you in less than an hour. Building an effective business website is a little more complicated. Everything from the layout of your website to the colors on the page impact how many sales you make and who you sell to. Marry YOUR website design to your overall business strategy with SCOR.

Social Media Management

Build and maintain a social media presence that allows you to engage with the public.

People crave a personal, authentic touch. They want to know that they can talk to YOU. A good social media strategy will advertise sales, events, and new products to loyal customers. A great social media strategy creates loyal customers. SCOR will give your business a great social media strategy through engaging content and maintaining brand consistency across social platforms.

Sales Practices

The process you use when making a sale.

If you’ve done research online, you might have also heard this referred to as “conversion optimization.” Both are just fancy ways of saying that you need a process to turn leads into sales. You need a sales process that you can practice, replicate, and teach to new employees so you never miss a beat. With SCOR you develop that process that maximizes YOUR sales.

Operational Efficiency

Making sure everything your business is doing is helping your business.

“Time is money” means a lot more when you’re trying to grow a business. If a business operation is not generating profit, then it is costing you money. You want to make sure all of your business practices are as effective as possible. Good operational efficiency and SCOR can protect thousands of dollars of YOUR profits every year.

Market Logistics

The process by which products are planned, created, moved, stored, and brought to market.

How do you get your product from the idea stage to the sales floor? What are the steps involved? What market is your product sold in? Are there special considerations your products need that don’t apply to every business? SCOR on YOUR team improves research, analysis, and action to answer those questions and bring your product to market.


Having pictures taken for your business.

Finding good graphics for your website and ads is critical to running a successful business. However, maybe you want to go the extra mile? Photography allows you to create original graphics for your business. And the best part is SCOR’s anonymity means YOU created the images. They’re yours and yours alone. No other business will have them. It sets you apart.


Creating video content for your business.

Web tutorials for your products. Marketing videos. A regular web series. A skill you teach. There are dozens of ways video content can help your business grow and reach more customers. SCOR covers everything from scripting your videos to your unique voice to professional quality camera work and editing, The video content you create with SCOR makes it clear that YOU are the face of your business.

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